A Guide to Installing Dripline Irrigation System In 7 Steps

By on Dec 16, 2015 in Gardening |

Are you looking for a smart way to water your organic or conventional garden? Do you want to protect the investment you have in your plants? Then approach to install a drip irrigation system. This system makes you able saves a lot more water than the conventional watering. The significant thing is you can automate it and it provides the precise amounts of water and nutrients directly to the plants root zone, drop by drop. Avoid all the clutter of watering by hand with the system that works efficiently. Drip line irrigation is a best watering system for the areas having limited water resources. Here is a short guide of Garden Irrigation Systems that shows you 7 easy steps to install a drip irrigation system.

1 – Firstly measure the area where you want to place dripline. If you already planted your garden then measure the length of each row. Don’t forget to measure the distance from main water tap to which irrigation line will be connected. If you plan drip irrigation system to install before planting, estimate how long you will make each row for the perfect installation.

2 – You can sketch a diagram on a paper of the measured area as well as the rows and distance from the main faucet. It helps you make the installation work easier and more precise. 3

3 – Now begin the installation according to the layout. Keep in line the functions of T and L connections that are best for the very large area. For a small area or for small disbursed areas, you can choose the layout having the one continuous line without sub-lines.  

4 – When you have the measurements and decided which layout will be done, cut, connect and secure the irrigation lines to the ground. Keep cross check everything according to your layout.  

5 – Once the dripline irrigated properly, make holes in them beside the locations of the plants along the lines. You can also add water regulator spouts in each hole if you want to supply a specified amount of water per hour to the plants.

6 – Now joint the main line with the water pressure regulator/timer assembly.

7 – The seventh and the last step are to test your drip irrigation system for its perfect functioning. Turn on faucet, manually or with a timer mechanism and test leaks.

The benefits of a drip irrigation system in the garden are several. However, you need to give your time for its installation.  

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